Thursday, October 13, 2016

We can't believe she called us CHEEKY!

Here's what Deedy wrote a couple of weeks ago here on our blog (and we quote):

"In my next blog post, I'll tell you the story of how the cheeky little Izzy Elves wrote to Jeff Bezos, the head of Amazon, and got an immediate response!"

We weren't sure what she meant by "cheeky". When we asked her in a most forthright manner to explain herself, she replied that that was exactly what cheeky meant. Anyway, Deedy said we could tell you about what happened with Jeff B. ourselves. So here we go.

A few years ago, we discovered a couple of weeks before Christmas that all our stories (see below) were "out of stock" at Since most of our books only SELL at Christmas time, we were quite upset. Somehow people think they are Christmas stories only: we elves know that what we do for Santa not to mention what we do to solve each other's problems takes ALL YEAR. (One reviewer actually said "By coming up with a creative and engaging story, Jensen has succeeded at crafting a memorable Christmas story for children that is so good it’s possible it will be enjoyed year round. " - Red City Review)

So there.

But we digress.

Anyway, we were all quite upset to see that our books were "out of stock" in DECEMBER.

So we took direct action: we Izzies e-mailed Jeff B.  (It was Bizzy, mostly.)

We explained the situation and then told him point blank that if our books weren't re-stocked ASAP, we were going to rat him out (personally) to Santa Claus.

Less than 24 hours later, Deedy's phone rang. It was the Amazon guy in charge of publishing our stories. He promised that he would see that our stories would be available to Christmas shoppers.

Deedy was mystified: how had he heard about this problem? And why had he called?

We told her what we had done.

She laughed and called us cheeky.

If that's CHEEKINESS, we are proud of it!

The  CHEEKY Izzy Elves.

Bizzy, Blizzy, Dizzy, Fizzy, Frizzy, Quizzy, Tizzy, and Whizzy.

Tizzy Honors and Reviews
Blizzy Honors and Reviews

Dizzy Honors and Reviews
Frizzy Honors and Reviews

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