Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our Very Own Website!

 All eight of us Izzy Elves have been working inside the internet to build our own website.  We're not quite done yet - a few more bits to hammer in there - but it's worth a peek to see what it's going to be like.

We're pretty proud of it. So is Deedy. (We try to include her in things as much as we can, even though technically she is NOT an Izzy Elf.)

 Here is the link!  Hope you like it.

Santa's Izzy Elves Website

                                           Love from:

                                           Whizzy                                                         Bizzy
                                           Dizzy                                                            Tizzy
                                           Blizzy                                                            Fizzy
                                           Frizzy                                                            Quizzy

                                                                      (and Deedy)

Our Trailers Are DONE!

 It is all so very thrilling!

 Follow these links to see the short version:

Santa's Izzy Elves: Trailer for Kids

And the long version:

Santa's Izzy Elves: Trailer for Grownups!

We hope you enjoy this little peak at the Izzy Section of the North Pole.


Bizzy, Blizzy, Dizzy, Fizzy, Frizzy, Tizzy,Quizzy, and Whizzy!