Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Guest Post by Deedy that Mentions Us Izzies

Ok, we don't usually do this, but today we are allowing Deedy (that's Dorothea Jensen to you) write a guest post.  When we first read it, we weren't sure if we'd let her do this, because it is MOSTLY about the Other Kind Of Writing she does.

But she does manage to squeeze in a mention of us Izzies at the very end.

So we gave her the green light.

Love from the Izzy Elves

* * *

I was thinking the other day about the fact that my first historical novel for kids (The Riddle of Penncroft Farm) was set in the 20th Century and the 18th Century.  My second historical novel for kids (A Buss from Lafayette) is set in the 19th century with lots of information about the 18th.  My third historical novel for kids (A Scalp on the Moon, which I'm working on now) is set in the 17th century.

I said to my husband, "Wow! That means I will have written  about four different centuries: the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th!"

He looked at me.

"Deedy, " he said. "Your Izzies are 21st century elves."

He's right.

I guess that makes me a Five Century Writer!

Woo hoo!

Dorothea Jensen

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dizzy and Frizzy are celebrating!

Hooray!  Deedy (Dorothea Jensen to you) has made trailers for both our stories! We hope you like them as much as we do!


Dizzy and Frizzy

 Dizzy's Trailer!

 Frizzy's Trailer!